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*  On December 3 ,  I visited Inner Soul Wellness for a Mediumship Reading. I got a great Medium Reading by Lory. Many passed Family members came thru and gave messages. I highly recommend Lory to friends and family for Readings or healings. Lory is truly a gifted Reader and Healer.   DB

*   I am forever grateful to Lori for bringing forth my dad. So many questions were answered. Thank you Daddy and Lori.  K

*   My appointment was truly helpful
                    Thank you for the guidance.       JC

*  I want to thank you for my reading. My dad passed 15 years ago yet I still think of him often. Your  reading gave me immense comfort and peace. I can't thank you enough.             KL

~Loved having reading with Lory who connected clearly with my Loved Ones! It made me feel closer and more connected to my family members that have has passed. Also, provided me with pure Happiness and Excitement about my future life that awaits! Can’t wait to meet with Lory again in the months ahead!!           LM

I had an amazing healing experience with Lory today. Going through some emotional problems and some minor health concerns. She  was able to help alleviate  the pain. She is a compassionate person and  really listens  to you. 
   Thank You Lory for being who you are.
I will definitely  be back. 

A big Thank You to Lory for the Healing  on Tuesday.  I've learned to let go of the past hurt and finally move forward with my life.  She is an Amazing and Compassionate person. 

   Great reading !  Will definitely  be coming back

   Thank You for the beautiful readings, reiki sessions and crystals. I truly appreciaate it 
                                                          Samantha A

      Lory showed me what my life journey was and how to let go of the issues through past life regression. I can now look at life disappointments  and see the blessings. So grateful to know her.
                                                         Vic  H

Thank You to Lory for a great healing.  I felt relaxed and it actually helped my knee.  So I will definitely be back

Thank You for being such a Bright Light
in the world

I wanted to say Thank You for such a great reading! One of the people that came through was Exactly what I needed to hear and I am so thankful              KC

* I was lead to you at just the right time. I am so grateful
for bringing my brother through. I don't know how you brought in a lot of his personal stuff but thank you. I finally have peace.

*  Lory is a kind and compassionate soul. She helped
me through a very difficult time and helped me see different options to start to heal. She brought my mom through with messages that only I would know. Thank You

Great healing session with Lory. Thanks for 
giving back and offering these sessions to the veterans.

Lory, thank you for your honesty, I finally was able to look at the situation for what it was. Cleared up and Happy.
Matt  R

Thank you so much for the help that you've given me. 
I learned that I needed to trust again and it brought me
the  love of my life.
Dave Z


Copyright ISW 

All readings are for entertainment purposes only

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